报告题目:A Joint Location and Repairable-Inventory Model- Scaling Up Electric-Vehicle Battery Swapping Services in Cities
报告人: 张玉利 副教授
主持人: 邱玉琢 教授
Battery swapping for electric vehicle refueling is reviving and thriving. Despite a captivating sustainable future where swapping batteries will be as convenient as refueling gas today, a tension is mounting in practice (beyond the traditional “range anxiety” issue): On one hand, it is desirable to maximize battery proximity and availability to customers. On the other hand, capacitated urban power grids may curb decentralized charging at a slow speed. To reconcile this tension, some cities are embracing an emerging infrastructure network: Decentralized swapping stations replenish charged batteries from centralized charging stations. It remains unclear how to design such a network or whether pooling charging demands will save costs or batteries. In this paper, we model this new urban infrastructure network. This task is complicated by non-Poisson swaps and by the intertwined stochastic operations of swapping, charging, stocking, and circulating batteries among swapping and charging stations. We tackle these complexities by deriving analytical models, which enrich the classical batched repairable-inventory theory. We next propose a joint location and repairable-inventory model for citywide deployment of hub charging stations, with a non-convex non-concave objective function. We solve this problem exactly by exploiting submodularity and combining constraint-generation and parameter search techniques. Even for solving convexified problems, our algorithm brings a speedup of at least three orders of magnitude relative to the Gurobi solver. The major insight is twofold: The benefit of pooling charging demands alone is not enough to justify the adoption of the “swap-locally, charge-centrally” network; instead, the main justification is that faster charging accessible at centralized charging stations significantly reduces the system-wide battery stock level. In a broader sense, this work deepens our understanding of how mobility and energy are coupled toward enabling smart cities.
张玉利,博士,北京理工大学管理与经济学院长聘副教授、特别研究员、博士生导师。研究方向为运筹优化、大数据驱动的运营管理。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、科技部重点研发计划项目子课题2项,其他课题4项。发表论文30多篇,其中以第一或通讯作者在Management Science, POM, INFORMS JOC等UTD 24期刊发表论文4篇。担任北京运筹学会副秘书长、中国运筹学会不确定系统分会常务理事、中国物流与采购联合会采购与供应链专家委员会等公共服务和学术职务。